Author Archives: Svetlana
My first music students!
Music for everybody!
Everyone can play piano. It is necessary just to explain and show the basic principles.
Now I’m developing methods of teaching piano for adults. The results exceeded expectations – after a few lessons people begin to play small classical and modern music, and to improvise!
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The Song “We are English Conversation Club”
Sometimes I love to visit our English Conversation Club on Friday evening.
One night in February 2015 after such meeting I went to sleep… and suddenly I listened to a song in my mind for them! Continue reading
Secret recording. Improvisation in Lviv. Music, which is not and will not happen again
Improvisation – is music of soul, which sounds only one time. More, it is not repeated.
This music was sounded in Lviv, in the Art’s House. I just reproduced it on the piano.
A grateful friend accidentally shot it on video;) And thanks to new wonderful friends for May Trip in Western Ukraine;)
Audio. “Someting”. Mudic for great mood :)
Let your every day passes easily, joyfully and successfully!
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P.S. Was written during the implementation of an important domestic process – cleaning of the apartment;)
Composer: Svetlana Kulikova